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Postgraduate Module Descriptors 2012/13

SEP417: Science and Application of Strength and Conditioning for Young Athletes

Module Title Science and Application of Strength and Conditioning for Young Athletes
Module Code SEP417
Module Tutor Paul Read
School Sport and Exercise
CAT Points 30
Level of Study 7
Pre-requisites None
Co-requisites None
Restrictions None
Brief Description

While the field of strength and conditioning has seen a recent surge in popularity, uncertainty still remains with regards to the long-term approach for developing young athletes. Strength and conditioning provision for children and adolescents requires an intricate knowledge and understanding of the growth and maturational processes that occur during childhood, in order to maximise training adaptation and minimize the risk of injury. The module will introduce students to such developmental issues, with specific reference to the biological mechanisms underpinning the natural development of key physical fitness qualities. Additionally, training strategies for young athletes will be investigated, with reference to the available methods and techniques, which if implemented correctly, should maximize athletic development. 

Indicative Syllabus

  • Concepts of Long-term Athlete Development models
  • Impact of growth and maturation on the natural development of strength, speed, power, agility, endurance and movement quality
  • Training methods available to develop a range of physical fitness qualities
  • Approaches to screening, testing and monitoring of young athletes
  • Periodization strategies for young athletes
  • Mechanisms underpinning training adaptations
  • Child welfare and wellbeing, and the risk of overtraining   


Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the module the student should be able to:

a)    critically analyse the literature surrounding growth and maturational processes that impact upon the development of young athletes

b)    critically evaluate a range of testing and training methods to develop a breadth of physical qualities in children of different biological ages

c)    critically analyse the physiological and biomechanical principles underpinning training adaptations for a range of physical qualities in young athletes

d)    critically evaluate long-term athlete development models

e)    understand and evaluate the concepts of child welfare and wellbeing when training young athletes

f)     communication and literacy

g)    application of numerical techniques

h)   independent learning & working with others

i)     specific training techniques for developing a range of fitness components in youths

j)      methods of assessment and screening including: strength diagnosis, functional movement screening, estimation of growth and maturational status

Learning and Teaching Activities

Staff / student contact: 15%
Student directed learning: 85%
Total study time: 300 hours

The module will be delivered using a variety of teaching, learning and assessment methods. Example activities may include: class-based-lectures led by staff, student-led mini presentations, open discussion forum, formal debates, guest speakers and practical strength and conditioning sessions. Students will be expected to engage in significant independent study. The variety of activities used is intended to facilitate engagement, contribute to a positive learning experience and promote industry relevant skills.

Assessment (For further details see the Module Guide) 001: 60% Coursework: Standard (4,000 words)
002: 40% Coursework: Presentation (30 minutes) (eg. Viva Presentation)
Special Assessment Requirements None
Indicative Resources

The Library Catalogue contains full details of the current reading list for this module. Further details may also be found in the Module Guide.

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