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Postgraduate Module Descriptors 2012/13

SEP401: Postgraduate Enquiry

Module Title Postgraduate Enquiry
Module Code SEP401
Module Tutor Don Vinson
School Sport and Exercise
CAT Points 30
Level of Study 7
Pre-requisites None
Co-requisites None
Restrictions None
Brief Description

A critical understanding of a broad range of research methodologies is crucial to practitioners and academics seeking to develop knowledge or enhance practice within the fields of sport development, applied sport and exercise sciences, sports coaching, sports ministry, sports chaplaincy, sports therapy and strength and conditioning.  This module is designed to challenge students’ fundamental understanding of the nature and purpose of research by examining the underpinning epistemological and ontological underpinnings of a broad range of methodologies.

Through engaging in a range of innovative workshops, students will develop a deeper and broader appreciation of the philosophies, paradigms and theories underpinning research conducted in the various areas of study concerning this programme, including subjects outside of their immediate line of enquiry.  Students will review a range of studies across the disciplines outlined above, critiquing the research design, ethical issues and methods employed, considering the epistemological underpinnings and the challenges inherent to applied practice.

A number of course-specific workshops will allow students to apply these analytic frameworks, enabling an insightful and challenging review of the literature in their chosen field.  Students will also engage with a range of data analysis techniques.

Indicative Syllabus

The module will examine:

  • The epistemological and ontological foundations of research.
  • The philosophical approaches to the acquisition of knowledge, featuring discussion of a range of frameworks such as empiricism, pragmatism, rationalism, constructivism, positivism and interpretivism.
  • Contemporary ethical issues across the range of subject areas.
  • Reviewing and critiquing literature with particular reference to the application to practice.
  • Designing effective research questions and proposals
  • Planning, managing and evaluation of research projects.
  • Developing competency in methods of data collection and analysis.
  • Qualitative analysis techniques, including guidance on the advanced used of NVivo.
  • Quantitative data analysis, including advanced use of SPSS.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the module, students will able to:

1)    Demonstrate an advanced understanding of a range of epistemological and ontological foundations of research across a range of disciplines.

2)    Demonstrate a critical awareness of a range of methodologies, including data analysis processes, across numerous related subject areas.

3)    Critically analyse research designs with specific reference to the methodological underpinnings of the investigation in question.

4)    Demonstrate an advanced understanding of contemporary ethical issues across a range of disciplines.

5)    Synthesise information to plan and produce a coherent, rigorous and viable research proposal.

6)    Contextualise the choice, design and implementation of methods relative to research philosophies and methodologies.

7)    Demonstrate familiarity with technology to assist with data analysis.

Learning and Teaching Activities

Staff / student contact: 15%

Student directed learning: 85%

Total study time: 300 hours

Assessment (For further details see the Module Guide) 001: 30% Coursework: Digital presentation (20 minutes)
002: 70% Coursework: Standard (5,000 words or equivalent)
Special Assessment Requirements None
Indicative Resources

The Library Catalogue contains full details of the current reading list for this module. Further details may also be found in the Module Guide.

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