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Undergraduate Module Descriptors 2012/13

NS6304: Cities: Space and Culture

Module Title Cities: Space and Culture
Module Code NS6304
Module Tutor Tim Hall
School Natural and Social Sciences
CAT Points 15
Level of Study 6
Pre-requisites None
Co-requisites None
Restrictions Cannot be counted with GEO302
Brief Description

The module explores the cultural worlds of contemporary cities through the intersections of a number of domains of cultural difference.  These include local / global, material / immaterial, manufactured / organic and exclusion / hybridity.  It offers students the opportunity to engage with the cultural spaces of the city drawing on insights from psychogeography, visual sociology and cognate approaches.  The module considers the centrality of public space, the built environment and urban image to the ways in which the city is experienced and imagined.  It weds a look at prevailing processes of contemporary urbanisation to an appreciation of the problematic legacies and potentialities of previous rounds of urbanisation, focusing particularly on the legacies of modern architecture and industrial capitalism.

Indicative Syllabus

Engaging with urban culture and its spaces

Modern architecture and its legacies

The imprint and experience of postmodern urbanisation

Ghosts of the industrial past

The crisis of contemporary public space

Excavating the personal and historical – psychogeography and visual sociology

Learning Outcomes

A student passing this module should be able to:

1. Critically analyse the diversity of cultural forms and spaces in an urban context

2. Critically evaluate a range of theoretical interpretations of the patterns of urban culture and their manifestations in and intersections with the spaces of the city

3. Demonstrate development of individual research skills through engagement with and reflective employment of techniques from cultural geography and / or visual sociology

4. Undertake an element of original research using appropriate techniques in an effective manner

5. Demonstrate development of innovative presentation skills typically combining text and visual materials

Learning and Teaching Activities Scheduled Contact Hours: 24
Independent Learning Hours: 126
Assessment (For further details see the Module Guide) 001: 50% Coursework: Group work, standard, written: 1500 words or equivalent
002: 50% Coursework: Individual, standard written: 1500 words or equivalent
Special Assessment Requirements
Indicative Resources

The Library Catalogue contains full details of the current reading list for this module. Further details may also be found in the Module Guide.

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