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Undergraduate Module Descriptors 2012/13

LSM202: Professional Perspectives

Module Title Professional Perspectives
Module Code LSM202
Module Tutor Angela Tomkins
School Leisure
CAT Points 15
Level of Study 5
Pre-requisites None
Co-requisites None
Restrictions None
Brief Description This module will enable students to develop an understanding of themselves in relation to the skills required for successful professional and personal development within the leisure and sports industries. Particular emphasis will be given to understanding the needs of employers as students prepare for the work based learning element of their programme of studies. Students will develop a clear personal and professional development plan for the work experience stage of their course.
Indicative Syllabus The module will explore a range of topics including an introduction to the concepts of employability within the leisure industry, professionalism, the reflective practitioner, lifelong learning and continuous professional development. The notion of the development of a skilled force will be discussed in the context of leisure and sports management. As an outcome of the module students will identify the skills required to work effectively in selected occupational areas and will be encouraged to develop an understanding of their personal strengths and challenges in this respect through their engagement with a range of techniques which encourage both reflection and reflectivity. Particular emphasis will be given to developing confidence in written and oral presentation skills in preparation for job interview situations. This aspect of the module will be supported by Level 3 mentoring students.
Learning Outcomes

i. Knowledge and Understanding
On completion of this module students should be able to:
a) investigate the significance of key organisations in the development of a professional workforce for the leisure and sports related industries)
b) demonstrate an understanding of the terms ‘employability’  'reflective practitioner' lifelong learning’ and 'continuous professional development'
c)identify and analyse the skills and attributes required for effective employment in selected areas of these industries
d) identify and analyse the skills and attributes required for effective interview techniques in relation to pre placement activities
e) apply the principles and tools of the reflective practitioner to a personal development plan.

ii. Skills
Students will be given the opportunity to develop their key skills in the following areas during the course of this module:
a) Communication and literacy
b) Team working in a peer support context
c) Specific vocational skills: plan and design a Personal Development Plan in preparation for work experience.

Learning and Teaching Activities

Staff/student contact: 25% including lectures, individual tasks, visits to leisure and sports organisations
Student private study: 75% including independent learning tasks as detailed in the module guide, preparation for lectures, essay writing and personal development planning.

Assessment (For further details see the Module Guide) 001: 30% Coursework: Standard (1500 words or equivalent)
002: 70% Coursework: Standard (2500 words or equivalent)
Special Assessment Requirements None
Indicative Resources

The Library Catalogue contains full details of the current reading list for this module. Further details may also be found in the Module Guide.

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