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Postgraduate Module Descriptors 2012/13

EHE416: Leading and Managing in Higher Education

Module Title Leading and Managing in Higher Education
Module Code EHE416
Module Tutor Raymond Chatwin
School Institute of Education and Public Services
CAT Points 60
Level of Study 7
Pre-requisites None
Co-requisites None
Restrictions None
Brief Description The module provides professionals who are currently working as middle leaders in HEIs, or who aspire to these roles, with a broad understanding of the nature of organisations and of the context within which HEIs operate. The course includes policy analysis, market analysis and key processes such as the development and implications of strategy at institutional and departmental level and the management of finance and resources. The impact these factors have on leadership, management and administration are examined and the implications for practice within HEIs are identified. Participants will be expected to examine their own leadership behaviour and decision-making in the workplace and to consider how they will subsequently enhance their own contribution and that of others, to the overall aims of their institutions. The implications of staff and student diversity will be an important element of the course.
Indicative Syllabus

a) The nature of organisations, including structure, culture and change
b) The policy context for Higher Education Institutions
c)  The development and implementation of strategy
d)  Using finance and resource management to meet accountability requirements and to lever effective change
e)  Understanding and improving leadership and management behaviour and decision-making
f)   Working effectively with administrative staff and systems
g)  Leading and managing a diverse workforce and a diverse student population

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the module, participants should have:

  1. A sound understanding of the nature of organisations informed by current theoretical work
  2. A knowledge of current policy within HE and within their own institutions and an enhanced ability to engage in policy analysis and debate
  3. A theoretical and practical understanding of the nature of strategy and how this affects the work of HEI leaders and managers
  4. An understanding of the role of finance and resources as practical tools
  5. An understanding of the role and needs of HEI administrators
  6. Improved practical skills as leaders and managers
  7. A critical understanding of the nature of research and research paradigms and an understanding of the nature and range of values that underpin research and associated issues.
  8. Knowledge and understanding of research methods and tools appropriate to postgraduate enquiries into Leading and Managing in Higher Education; critical evaluation of qualitative and quantitative paradigms

Learning and Teaching Activities This module comprises 600 student learning hours which include professional practice, independent study, use of the VLE and up to 40 hours of teaching and/or mentor support.
Assessment (For further details see the Module Guide) 001: 100% Coursework: Standard (10,000 words or equivalent)
Special Assessment Requirements None
Indicative Resources

The Library Catalogue contains full details of the current reading list for this module. Further details may also be found in the Module Guide.

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