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Postgraduate Module Descriptors 2012/13

EHE415: Building Research Capacity

Module Title Building Research Capacity
Module Code EHE415
Module Tutor Lindsey McEwen
School Institute of Education and Public Services
CAT Points 20
Level of Study 7
Pre-requisites None
Co-requisites None
Restrictions None
Brief Description Option module within the M.Ed. (Higher Education)
This module provides opportunity for critical reflection on how personal research capacity (whether subject-based, pedagogic or ‘Higher Education Research’ or both) might be developed, set in context of institutional and external research imperatives. The module considers the broader context for research activity in higher education, such as national and international research policy, institutional research, as well as key trends in the sector. The module will provide opportunities to develop strategies and skills required to be a successful subject-based or pedagogical researcher, such as strategies for obtaining funding for projects, for getting published, time and project management and career planning. The transferability of these knowledge and skills to building capacity in both subject-based and pedagogic research will also be evaluated. It will also explore how research and teaching can be developed with synergy to support each other at the level of the individual and institution.
Indicative Syllabus

This module critically evaluates how research capacity is developed at a range of scales from the personal to the national. The module focuses on the development of both subject-based and pedagogic research capacity.  The module comprises:
i. An exploration of different types of research activity (subject-based, pedagogic) and their relationships (e.g. professional researcher to practitioner; academic research to knowledge exchange and public engagement).  This will include an exploration of research into ‘Education for Sustainable Development’ as a distinctive area of enquiry.
ii. A critique of national and international research policy context (HEFCE policy, UK RAE and Research Excellence Framework etc.)
iii. An exploration of areas of strategic development for institutional research capacity and where personal research development might nest.
iv. A development of skills of critical reflection on personal development of individual research capacity within a broader institutional, national and international research context.
v. Delivery of advanced skill development in research philosophies and methodologies, academic writing, securing research funding, promoting your research, research ethics.
vi. A critical reflection on the skills needed for research development/ progression (working in teams; leading projects)
vii. An appraisal of the different research skills that a researcher should normally have within his/her portfolio (e.g. skills in research student supervision, networking skills within Professional bodies)
viii. An exploration of the different criteria used to appraise career development in research  (c.f. specifications for progression for Readerships and Professorships)
ix. An appraisal of how individual and institutional research capacity might be developed sustainably.
x. An evaluation of how to communicate research to different audiences

Learning Outcomes

The student will have critically reflected on their own journey in research development to date, identified strengths and challenges/ needs in terms of their own research capacity and identified areas for action.

The student will have engaged critically with the research literature and guidance available to provide support in research capacity development to assist in becoming a self sustaining learner in how to develop themselves and others.

The student will have engaged critically with the University’s Research Strategy, both in terms of the ‘personal’ and in the context of the UK Government and international strategy.

The student will have further developed skills critical for developing research capacity including exploration of research philosophies, research methodologies, ethics, writing skills and securing funding.

The student will have developed a critical awareness of the links between (a) subject-based research, pedagogic research and teaching; and (b) research and knowledge exchange and public engagement.  In particular, the student will have undertaken a personal exploration of ways in which teaching and research can support each other.

The student will have developed advanced  writing skills in the pedagogic research area OR subject-based research (as appropriate) and gained experience of collaborative or group writing

The student will have a critical awareness of how personal and institutional research capacity might be assessed for its sustainability

The student will have critically reflected on the different ways to communicate research to different audiences

Learning and Teaching Activities This module comprises 600 student learning hours which include professional practice, independent study, use of the VLE and up to 40 hours of teaching and/or mentor support.
Assessment (For further details see the Module Guide) 001: 100% Coursework: Standard (6,000 words of equivalent)
Special Assessment Requirements None
Indicative Resources

The Library Catalogue contains full details of the current reading list for this module. Further details may also be found in the Module Guide.

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