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Postgraduate Module Descriptors 2012/13

EHE401: Introduction to Academic Practice in Higher Education

Module Title Introduction to Academic Practice in Higher Education
Module Code EHE401
Module Tutor Amanda Pill
School Institute of Education and Public Services
CAT Points 30
Level of Study 7
Pre-requisites None
Co-requisites None
Restrictions None
Brief Description The module aims:
  • To develop students’ understanding of the principles and processes involved in teaching and learning applicable to higher education;
  • To provide opportunities for students to explore relevant research into aspects of academic practice in higher education;
  • To develop students awareness of and ability to select and use teaching, learning, assessment and evaluation methods that are appropriate and effective for their particular working context;
  • To enable students to demonstrate effective professional practice in their discipline, informed by knowledge and understanding of appropriate theories of learning and research into teaching and learning.
  • To support student learning through the provision of a Discipline / Institution Specialist as well as Core Tutors from the teaching team.
  • To enhance students’ understanding of the theory and practice of being a reflective practitioner.
Indicative Syllabus This module allows students to explore the body of research that underpins high quality teaching in higher education and empowers them to draw upon this to inform their professional practice. The module focuses upon some key factors in the development of rich learning environments, e.g. strategies for teaching, learning, assessment and evaluation. Students are encouraged to consider how they wish their professional practice to develop in these areas and how each of these elements can be constructively aligned with the others. Students are required to plan, implement and evaluate teaching, developing and using a range of teaching and learning techniques· The module provides an opportunity for students to actively consider the use of ICT in facilitating teaching and learning. The module also explores areas such as equality of opportunity and collegiality and looks at how such concepts can be moved from ideology to practice. The module considers the theory and practice being a reflective practitioner.
Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the module the student should be able to:

i. Demonstrate a critical and systematic understanding of the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education;

ii. Engage critically with a range of current approaches to research into teaching, learning, assessment and evaluation;

iii. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles that underpin a learning environment that values diversity and ensures equality of opportunity for all learners;

iv. produce detailed plans for teaching and learning sessions/experiences, including planning for the needs of all learners

v. manage effectively a wide and appropriate range of teaching and learning methods, including consideration of online virtual learning environments, in order to work with large groups, small groups and on a one-to-one basis (academic and pastoral)

vi. Demonstrate a capacity to critically evaluate their own work with a range of peer, self and student monitoring and evaluation techniques

Learning and Teaching Activities This module generates 300 hours of learning activity, comprised of a maximum of 40 hours contact time, independent study, professional practice and Learning Set activity.
Assessment (For further details see the Module Guide) 001: 50% Coursework: Standard: 3000 words or equivalent
002: 50% Practical Assessment: In-class: Practical: 3000 words or equivalent
003: 0% Coursework: Practical: 3,000 words or equivalent: 3 Observations of Teaching
Special Assessment Requirements None
Indicative Resources

The Library Catalogue contains full details of the current reading list for this module. Further details may also be found in the Module Guide.

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